Tuesday, July 12, 2011

What to Write About...

Well, well, well.  I'm trying to figure out what in the world to write about in this blog.  Sometimes I think I do not have much to write about.  Why would I write this if I have nothing to write about?  I don't have anything to say that will change the world or cure any diseases.  Will people read this if it's not interesting?  Will people think the random thoughts and weird everyday ideas I have are interesting?  Who knows?!  We'll see.

I just want to let everyone know the topics I will probably be writing about.  I love to cook (I went to culinary school), I love HGTV,  I love movies and television shows, I love comedy, I like to garden (this is new), I love to travel, and I like witty banter.  That last topic probably will not be written about, but rather a bi-product of my other topics.  I want to encourage comments, but please, nothing mean.  I don't like to give verbal ass-kickings, but I will do what I must!!

I am going to try my hardest to not make this an internet diary, because blech!  So annoying.  I also want everyone to know that I am going to write how I want!  If my grammar and sentence structure isn't always correct, deal with it!  I'm going to combine correct grammar with the way I talk.  This will hopefully produce some humorous.  We'll see.

First Topic of the Day:
Star Trek: The Next Generation
I really like to watch television.  I try to not let it take over my life, but God bless Netflix!  I started Star Trek: TNG last week.  I have always been a Star Trek fan.  I used to sneak into the hallway after I "went" to bed and watch it while my parents did.  Well, my mom.  My dad is not a big fan of sci-fi.  I've been reading up on the actors on imdb.  I have found a few fun facts that I did not know!  The first is that Gates McFadden, who plays Dr. Beverly Crusher, was a muppeteer!!  She choreographed and planned the ballroom dance scene in Labrynth!  How cool is that!!!!  The other fun fact is that Lt. Tasha Yar is Bing Crosby's granddaughter. She left the series in the first season because she didn't think she had a big enough role.  HA!  Look where that landed her.  A big, fat, NOWHERE.  Sucks to your asmar, Tasha  Yar!  Hahaha.  The first season of any television show is interesting to watch, because the actors are getting the kinks out of the characters.  Captain Picard is so different in the first few episodes!  I'm on the 11th episode right now, it's the first holideck episode!  Picard, Data, and Dr. Crusher are stuck in the 1940s!  Holidecks, they're so fuckin' wylie!!  Haha.

Next Topic:  Gardening
Since I have acquired my little house, I have been excited about my flower beds!  My mom's friend Pat has day lily farm.  So I have a bunch of day lilies.  They are just beautiful!  I am attaching some pictures of them so everyone can see!  Now I just have to figure out how to do that!  Haha.  Alex (my boyfriend) decided to grow some tomatoes in an Earthtainer, www.earthtainer.org.  He and his friend built it.  Basically you don't have to water whatever plant you put in there, you just have to be sure there is water in the bottom.  It's kind of crazy, but it seems to be working!  His tomatoes look great!  If you want to see how they are made, please go to the hyperlink above.  The one thing I hate about gardening....WEEDS.  Weeds can just sit on it.  I hate them.  I will weed one day, and then the next morning there will be more weeds exactly where I had just weeded.  Dumb.

Well, I think that is all for today.

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